


Freezes occur much more frequently with a new practitioner than with a seasoned one. Why might that be? It’s because may tend to click indiscriminately at buttons, faster than the computer can handle. It boils down to a lack of knowledge about when to click, which buttons to click, how many clicks (single or double click), at what interval of clicking as well as what should happen after a button is clicked! Each click is essentially an instruction to the computer, and too many instructions coming at once can put the computer on “brain overload”. If you double-click when all that is needed is a single click, that ends up being a double command and the computer tries to process both commands. If you add to that, another hasty click because it is not responding, what could result is a white screen and freeze-up.

The computer needs to take its time to process those instructions in the background, one by one until it is ready to proceed again. If one waits
P-A-T-I-E-N-T-L-Y and gives the computer time to catch up, it is then able to process further commands. Unfortunately, the freeze-up is often not just temporary and other measures must be taken.

Another common problem is that the touchpad on your computer can be very sensitive and can mistake a brush of the finger for a click. A highly advisable solution would be to get an external USB or wireless mouse. This can save you a lot of frustration and make it easier for you to navigate the software.

The experienced ED.X and NUCLEUS user has learned what can be called the Art or Zen of Clicking! Through hard-won experience, the seasoned practitioner knows all that is needed is a single click or a double click. The practitioner, in essence, learns to dance with the system. Getting to know the timing and sequencing of when and where to click becomes as important as learning the steps of the tango with a partner. As a newcomer, you will need to give yourself time to experiment – to discover – which buttons require a waiting time before the next button is clicked, which program needs to be clicked on before the other, etc.


  • Disease Probability and Dictionary
  • Biofeedback Systemic Relaxation Training Programs
  • Auto Trivector
  • Auto Scalar
  • Spinal Muscular Re-Education, Sarcode Feedback
  • ED.X and NUCLEUS or AFE Training Programs
  • And Other ED.X and NUCLEUS Training Programs

Sometimes a WHITE SCREEN appears in place of the panel image you were previously working on. Do not click anything! The program is attempting to process the information and is overloaded. Just be patient and wait a few minutes. The panel image will return once the process that was engaged has been completed. If you are waiting and this is taking much longer than is necessary (a few minutes or the amount of time the program was set for).

This can often be avoided if you are careful not to click a second time, too hurriedly, on a process that is already running or one that is not immediately responding.

Please see What to do if the Screen is Frozen


It is best to activate the Disease Probability and Dictionary training program before activating the Bodyviewer and Irid. Avoid using the Long Term Therapy choice if you want to be free to change to other training choices during your session.

Do not use the Minimize button at the top right of the panel. This goes for all panels including Iridology, Bodyviewer, Consciousness, Disease Dictionary, Irid, Bodyviewer, etc. (to toggle between all programs). Or you can press the Alt + Tab keys on your keyboard to easily rotate between programs.

When you have started the Disease Probability and Dictionary it is best to wait a few moments for it to begin the process before clicking on Consciousness (bottom task bar) to return to the ED.X and NUCLEUS Program. If you try to return to ED.X and NUCLEUS too soon, it can lock up. Just wait a few moments and try to click on Consciousness again. This should minimize the Disease Dictionary training program to the background while you continue to work in another panel.